Downing Elementary
Every Student. Every Day.
Enroll Your Student
We support every student, every day.
Beyond the Bell Activities
Tacoma Public Schools and community partners have come together to offer Beyond the Bell and Club Beyond. Choose from options offered before and after school, data days, and during school breaks.
Walking and Rolling Route Maps
The Suggested Walking Route map recommends walking routes to each TPS elementary school. Use your child's school map as a tool to explore walking or rolling to school.
Clubs , Activities, Sports, and Field Trips at Your School
Beyond the Bell lets you choose from more activities at your school than ever before. Choose from options for before and after school, in-service days, and school breaks.
See Something, Say Something
The number one way to prevent school violence is to report it. Call 911 first, then notify your school.
We're Hiring!
Join Team TPS! We're hiring multiple positions across the district.